Nathaniel Nunes


·Nathaniel Nunes

It's been a while coming, but we are finally here.

I'm so happy to introduce my new website !

It's not about the fancy cool effects, it's not about the shiny design, it's purely about the content that I would like to share with you.

I found out that I enjoy sharing knowledge and being more involved into a community of web developers. That was my biggest kick to start writing content and publishing my thoughts.

It's not just going to be about tech, but also music, my spiritual life, other hobbies, and anything else that I come across.

Technically about this website

This is a static website generated by an amazing tool called Next.js. It is my second project built on this tool, but I love it already. It doesn’t surprise me why it is so popular now.

This website is a nextjs port of the popular Hugo Paper theme by nanxiaobei

You need to create a few template files, create post files in Markdown format (or pull content from the CMS of your choice). Something that makes it even more fantastic is the ability to host your website on Vercel absolutely for free.

If you are curious about the structure of the project, you can always take a look at my Github repository.

If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out on any of my social media handles.